A luxury cabin at Light Farm is ideal for holidays in Sussex. Guests are free to explore our working farm of just under 40 acres comprising of mixed arable and grazing land. Contact Us.

From late Spring through to Autumn a mixed beef herd can be found grazing on the Farm.
The Farm houses a working apiary with multiple active colonies. Subject to availability farm-produced honey may be available for purchase.

The Farm is home to an abundance of wildlife. Three species of owl nest here. The presence of the tawny and little owl are usually identified by their highly individual calls with a fortuitous view of the barn owl hunting low over the fields a majestic sight. Woodpeckers, buzzards, and kestrels can be seen at certain times of the year. Canada Geese and Mallard Ducks visit every year, and the very lucky visitor may catch a glimpse of a kingfisher hunting on the pond.
Crops grown on a rotational basis include hay & sileage, and arable crops including wheat, barley, and oats.

Our cabin holidays in Sussex offer stunning views of the stars and constellations. On a clear night the absence of light pollution means that the night sky can be enjoyed at its best. During May & October 2024, The Farm experienced some stunning views of The Northern Lights.
Renewables fulfil a large element of the Farm’s energy requirements. The Farm Buildings utilise multiple panel arrays to harvest solar power with both ground and air-source heat pumps providing heating and hot water to the farmhouse and buildings.